Thermics presents the NRGate Box
- Laboratory testing of the NRGate box at Eurac Research – credits: Ivo Corrà
4RinEU partner Thermics invites you to discover the hydraulic module developed within the 4RinEU Project on Friday 11th of June 2021
The NRGate Box is a wall-mounted hydraulic module that in its complete version allows to produce Sanitary Hot Water and to manage the water used by the heating and cooling system. The NRGate Box can either serve one housing unit or can be used with other units to supply a whole building with several housing units. The unit calculates the thermal energy required and provides a certified measure of the energy impact of each housing unit. The ease of hydraulic, electrical and communication installation makes the NRGate Box a so-called Plug&Play module.
The R&D activity behind the NRGate Box by Thermics Energie is part of the EU-funded project 4RinEU, involving 15 companies and institutions from four different European countries. The NRGate Box has been thoroughly tested by the laboratory of Eurac Research in Bolzano, Italy, and the first 13 modules have been installed in Pinerolo (TO) as a final part of a Demo Case to test its characteristics in the field. The data obtained have confirmed the potential of the NRGate Box and a large amount of data is still being collected moment by moment, confirming the versatility, robustness and potential of the solution.
Date and time: 11.06.2021 from 14:30h to 18:30h CEST
Location: AC Service srl, Via Lurisia 17 – Moncalieri (TO)
Language: Italian
- Stefano Mauro
- Cristian Visentin
- Anastasia Presiren
Local parners:
- Francesco Fotino
- AC Service Srl
– explain the technical features of the NRGate Box
– list the features of the unit
– show the aspects related to design and plant supervision
– Potentially interested market and users
- 15:30-16:00 Registration and welcome
- 16:00-16:20 Company presentation
- 16:20-16:40 Introduction of the course topics and short presentation of the 4RinEU project
- 16:40-17:15 Meeting Part I
- 17:15-17:20 Coffee break
- 17:20-18:00 Meeting Part II
- 18:00-18:30 Introduction to the user and maintenance manual
- 18:30-18:45 Market analysis and potential
- 18:45-19:00 Questions
- 19:00-19:30 Refreshments
Info and registration: please write an email to and