4RinEu at EU Industry Days 2019!
- 4RinEU stand at EU Industry Days 2019: the Energy Hub demo at the back
- Prefabricated façade and the anchoring system demo on the table
- 4RinEU meets other projects
- Prefabricated façade and the anchoring system demo on the table
- Eq-OX monitoring system demo on the table
On 5 and 6 February 2019, Industry Days have been held in Brussels, at The Egg Congress&Meeting Centre.
The 2 days event has been opened by President Juncker, that in the welcome speech underlined
“how far and wide industrial policies go from investment to innovation, from skills to space, from clean energy to construction. The future of Europe’s industry will depend on its ability to adapt by investing in new technologies and embracing the digital and ecological transitions; funding for research and innovation will be increased by 50% to reach EUR 100 billion: this shows how industry will be central to the future of our economy”.
EU Industry Days gathered around 1,800 participants from across Europe and beyond, including stakeholders representing industry, trade unions, national and regional authorities, and civil society.
The event has been dense of conferences and appointments, reaffirming the role of EU towards a Clean Planet for All, through the transition to digitisation and technological change, a resource efficient and circular economy and the development of less polluting and less energy-intensive technologies.
Throughout the duration of the event, the Grand Hall of The Egg has been populated by visitors attracted by the several stands in which EU funded projects (H2020 and LIFE) have showcased the developed prototypes and solutions.
4RinEU had the great honor to be invited as exhibitor to the event. Eurac, with the support of the technology partners Gumpp & Meier, AdermaLocatelli and Thermics, set up a very rich stand, including a demo version of the prefabricated façade and the anchoring system, the Eq-OX monitoring system and the Energy Hub. Many visitors coming from leading institutions — such as European Commission, EASME and European Bank Federations — academia and industry sector congratulated for the results and demonstrated a wide interest to the marketability of the solutions. On the basis of this interests, the exploitation plan of the results will be crucial and in the next months we’ll work hard to explore attractive business models for each developed technology.